What is Hydroxychloroquine (Hydroxychloroquine for covid 19)?
Recently, The Indian Council for Medical Research had recommended the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to prevent COVID 19 infections. Let me tell you that hydroxychloroquine medicine is used in the treatment of malaria and arthritis when other medicines such as chloroquine do not work, hydroxychloroquine is used.
Note- Take this medicine only with the advice of a doctor, because its side effects can cause heart problems. This post (hydroxychloroquine for COVID 19 is for your knowledge only.)
Is hydroxychloroquine beneficial for the treatment of coronavirus?
But some people have thought that hydroxychloroquine is the surest way to eliminate the coronavirus, And that's why it has started hoarding. According to experts, this medicine is only useful for those who are with the people suffering from COVID 19 so that they can avoid infection. This drug is currently undergoing testing, so it cannot be said with any guarantee of how effective it is to fight coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine medicine is not a vaccine, so after taking it, 100% coronavirus cannot be prevented.
What are the side effects?
Taking hydroxychloroquine without medical advice can cause problems like heart block and sugar reduction, so be sure to consult a doctor, Other side effects such as visual difficulty, vomiting, swelling, headache, hearing problems, muscle aches, etc
Dose of hydroxychloroquine
In a normal person, its dose is 400 mg per week, Which is decided by weight. Which should be advised by the doctor.
I hope this (hydroxychloroquine for COVID 19) post will be useful for you. Please give your valuable feedback.
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